Thousands of Christians Open GOP Convention Week with Prayer

Thousands of Christians Open GOP Convention Week with Prayer

The Republican National Convention begins today, July 18. Thousands of Christians flocked to Cleveland to pray before its opening.

According to CBN News, Christians in great numbers prayed for revival in America.

"The Bible says, 'If my people who humble themselves and pray, seek my face, turn from their wicked ways there will be a healing and hearing from heaven,'" one participant prayed. 

The Convention takes place at a time when the nation is in turmoil from recent tragedies. Two separate police shootings of African-American men occurred a couple weeks ago, and more recently, two police-targeted shootings occurred, the one in Baton Rouge happening only yesterday.

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, will have his work cut out for him in uniting a party that is fairly divided in a country that is plagued by racial tensions and tragedy.

Many believe Trump has helped his campaign by choosing Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate. 

David Lane, founder of the American Renewal Project, commented on the work ahead of Trump: "It's going to have to be Donald Trump who's going to have to move the constituency. He's going to have to say things that evangelical and pro-life Catholic Christians want to go out and work for him and move into the marketplace," Lane said. 

Trump is scheduled to speak on the last day of the Convention. Many other notable speakers are scheduled, including African-American pastor Darrell Scott.

Scott has faced criticism for supporting Trump, but he remains committed:

"You get the name calling because they don't know him and they let people accuse him of being racist and different things like that that he's not and so then if you defend him you're automatically a sellout or an Uncle Tom," Scott said.

Scott’s wife and co-pastor, Belinda, added that she and her husband have seen Trump growing spiritually. 

"He really is pursuing a deeper spiritual life. I can sense it," she said. "My prayer for Mr. Trump is that he will be more sensitive to God than he ever has before." 

Check back with as the GOP Convention progresses to get further updates.

Publication date: July 18, 2016