Thousands Peacefully Protest Racial Inequality across the United States

Thousands Peacefully Protest Racial Inequality across the United States

As many protests against police killings of black people across the nation erupt into riots and unrest, thousands of other protestors are making peaceful demonstrations.

According to the Associated Press, thousands marched peacefully in Phoenix, Albuquerque and other cities in the U.S. Many of those protestors are asking that the violent demonstrations stop.

The protests have come after news broke of the death of George Floyd. Floyd, a black man, died after an officer pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes, despite Floyd telling the officer he could not breathe. He lost consciousness and later died.

In Schenectady, New York, the police department worked with protestors to keep demonstrations safe, the Daily Gazette reports. Police Chief Eric Clifford even took a knee Sunday to show protestors he was listening to their demonstrations.

"As a profession, we all acknowledge that we must do better, and we will do better,” he said. “We are hearing exactly what you are saying here today."

In Newark, New Jersey, protestors marched and shouted, “I can’t breathe” and “No justice, no peace.” Only a few minor incidents were reported in the demonstrations, according to

“Every Newark Police officer out there today did a hell of a job,” Newark Public Safety Director Anthony Ambrose said Saturday night.

Activist Thomas Idiang, known as Afrika, said the demonstrations have to be controlled to make an impact.

“I agree that they have to challenge the system,” Idiang said of Saturday’s protestors. “We pay the taxes, we are the government. But if it’s not organized, if it’s not centralized, it’s just chaos.”

According to West Virginia Metro News, in Charleston, the mayor applauded a peaceful protest where a group marched through the streets of downtown.

“I appreciate those who made their voices heard today and kept today’s protest outside of City Hall peaceful. We, as a nation, need to do more listening, especially in these uncertain times. I look forward to keeping the lines of communication open and helping to navigate our City through this unspeakable tragedy.”

Some 4,400 people have been arrested from protests, the Associated Press reports. In some cities, National Guard soldiers have been called in to enforce curfews, but much of the rioting has continued.

In Minneapolis, a tanker truck driver barreled into a crowd of protestors. No demonstrators were injured.

In Philadelphia, demonstrators threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at police and in California, looters broke into businesses and stole property and goods.

On Friday, President Donald Trump was rushed to a White House bunker when hundreds of protestors began throwing rocks and pushing police barriers near the White House.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Stephen Maturen/Stringer

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.