Tim Tebow: The Idea of Running for Office is ‘Intriguing’

Tim Tebow: The Idea of Running for Office is ‘Intriguing’

Popular football player, current sports analyst, and outspoken Christian celebrity Tim Tebow said that running for political office is an “intriguing” possibility.

CBSsports.com reports that when asked if he would ever consider running for political office, Tebow did not entirely rule out the idea.

“What about this election cycle--have you thought about politics?” Tebow was asked in the Fox and Friends interview.

Tebow said that he likely wouldn’t consider getting into politics “in this time in my life,” but added that "If there's a chance you can make a difference some day in something, that would be intriguing.”

NFL writer Will Brinson notes that the possibility of Tebow winning a political contest is not that far-fetched since he remains immensely popular, both for his football playing skills and for his Christian faith.

Especially considering the current election cycle in which many unpredictable things have occurred, Brinson notes that “Stranger things have happened.”

Publication date: March 31, 2016