Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway Takes on Role of Peacemaker

Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway Takes on Role of Peacemaker

Kellyanne Conway has been called many things on this rocky road to the White House, but “peacemaker” is a new turn of phrase. However, this is just the role that President-elect Donald Trump’s senior adviser appears to be taking on, as she entreats prominent Democratic leaders to issue public calls to action—specifically, to end the recent eruption of violent protests over Trump’s victory.

According to a report published by Fox News, Conway did not stop there, but rather specifically sought out President Obama and Hillary Clinton to lead with the proverbial olive branch. Stopping by Fox News studios on Sunday, Conway boldly addressed the latter, declaring, “I am calling for responsibility and decency. I hope President Obama says, ‘Cut it out.’”

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid was also singled out without reserve in Conway’s speech, the senior adviser issuing a roundabout warning regarding Reid alongside the explanation that, “Everybody is looking for a peaceful transition, and you have the Senate minority leader acting like a garden variety political pundit.”

Going into further specifics, Conway urged Reid to be wary of “characterizing someone in a legal sense,” her allusion referring to the Nevada democrat’s recent attacks on Trump over the subject of a divided nation and its root cause—mainly, that Trump was responsible for the tension, and hence, it is now his responsibility to heal it, somehow building a bridge between such polar extremes. Reid’s exact referral of Trump as being “a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate” probably added more than a bit of fuel to stoke Conway’s fiery statements Sunday. 

Whether by Reid, Conway, Trump, or others, the problem is posed as to how to heal a nation so obviously at odds and divided. This most recent break in unity within the ironically named United States has been seen via protests all across America—college campuses, government buildings, even at Trump Tower in New York. Acts of flag-burning and erupting violence from supposed peaceful protests harkens eerily back to radical riots of the 60s and 70s, leaving one to wonder just if (and how far) we have actually come in remedying such issues as racism, inequality and freedom for all.


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Publiction date: November 15, 2016