Trump Reportedly Considering Ted Cruz for Attorney General

Trump Reportedly Considering Ted Cruz for Attorney General

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is reportedly being considered for the position of Attorney General in President-elect Donald Trump’s new administration.

Although Cruz and Trump were fierce enemies during the primaries, their former animosity seems to now be smoothed over. Cruz also dragged his feet on endorsing Trump, although he eventually did back the Republican nominee.

According to The Blaze, it has also been rumored that Cruz was being considered as a possible Supreme Court pick, but he has said himself he does not wish to serve in that role.

Cruz, according to CNN’s Jim Acosta, is on a “long short list” of possible picks for Attorney General in the newly-forming Trump administration.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is also a popular pick for the role of Attorney General, particularly favored for his hardline stance on illegal immigration.

Cruz visited Trump at Trump Tower to offer his assistance in the transition process.

According to The Hill, a Cruz spokesman stated that the Senator was “pleased to have the opportunity to meet with President-elect Trump in New York” and to help Trump “repeal ObamaCare and start over with cost-effective, patient-centered healthcare reform, appoint constitutionalist judges to the Supreme Court, secure our southern border and enforce immigration laws, and enact policies that will create more good-paying jobs for the American people.”

It remains to be seen in what capacity Cruz will help Trump achieve these goals. 


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Publication date: November 16, 2016