Trump Says Franklin Graham ‘So Instrumental’ in His Victory

Trump Says Franklin Graham ‘So Instrumental’ in His Victory

In his last stop on his “Thank You” tour, President-elect Donald Trump said that evangelist Franklin Graham was “so instrumental” in bringing out the evangelical vote in his favor.

While speaking in Mobile, Alabama, Trump stated, "There's no better place to celebrate than right here. I want to thank so many great people, but having Franklin Graham, who was so instrumental, we won so big, with evangelical Christians, we won so big."

Eighty-one percent of evangelicals--particularly white evangelicals--reportedly voted for Trump.

Graham introduced Trump at the event and Trump responded by saying, "Look at him, he worked so hard. Anybody that has anything to do with the incredible Billy Graham, I love. And that's his son, and that son is great."

Graham then offered a prayer of thanks for Trump’s victory and told the 20,000 people in attendance that "Since the election there's been a lot of discussion as to how Donald Trump won the election. And I don't have any scientific information. I don't have a stack of emails to read to you, but I have an opinion: I believe it was God. God showed up, he answered the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people across this land that have been praying for this country."

Leading up to the election, Graham had been traveling the country on his Decision America Tour, encouraging Christians to get out and vote. Although he didn’t officially back Trump, Graham stressed the points of the Republican Party platform which he said lined up with biblical principles. He also encouraged Christians to vote for someone who would appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

Graham also recently tweeted that, if the Russians interfered with the election, the outcome was ultimately under God’s control. 


Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Publication date: December 19, 2016