Two Republicans Oppose Besty DeVos, Making Her Confirmation Difficult

Two Republicans Oppose Besty DeVos, Making Her Confirmation Difficult

Two Republican senators have announced that they cannot support the confirmation of Betsy DeVos to the cabinet post of Secretary of Education.

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) both said this week that they would not be voting for DeVos. Both said in their speeches this week that they could not vote for her because DeVos has a long history of supporting charter schools and voucher, and they questioned her dedication to public schools.

If the remaining Republican senators vote for DeVos as expected and all Democrats vote against her, the vote would be 50-50. Vice President Mike Pence would have to break the tie with his vote and confirm her.

According to, Collins and Murkowski have received thousands from the National Education Association, a teachers union that opposes DeVos, in the past. Collins received $2,000 in 2002 and 2008 and Murkowski has received $23,500.

"Lisa Murkowski understands public education and is committed to Alaska’s students," NEA-Alaska President Tim Parker said in a release. "Her leadership and advocacy were critical to passing the Every Student Succeeds Act, which put Alaskans back in control of Alaska’s public schools. Alaska’s educators and Senator Murkowski share a passion for increased student learning and ensuring that every child has the opportunity for success, regardless of their zip code."


Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Publication date: February 2, 2017