U.S. Planning Rescue Effort for Iraqi Yazidi People

U.S. Planning Rescue Effort for Iraqi Yazidi People

Over the weekend, the United States military continued its operations to provide air support to push back the fighters from the Islamic State (IS), which continues to wage war across northwestern Iraq. The U.S. provided humanitarian assistance to more than 1.5 million people who have been forced from their homes.

The Yezidis, or often know as “Yazidis,” have been trapped by militants on Mt. Sinjar since the fighting ensued. These Kurdish speaking people have principally lived in northern Iraq for 2,000 years.

According to Fox News, the Pentagon is mapping an escape route for the 30,000 refugees who are stranded without food or water.

So far in its operations, the U.S. has carried out three waves of airstrikes. The latest round included four operations targeted at protecting the Yazidi religious minorities who fled into the Sinjar Mountains. 

International Christian Concern partners and contacts on the ground contend the situation is desperate and are overwhelmed by needs they can’t fully meet.

"They have nothing. They have been looted," Chaldean Patriarch Louis Sako told ICC on Saturday. "[They need] foods, water, medicines and a shelter," he continued, describing how many refugees had immediate needs for basic necessities.

Joining the U.S. in the effort, Saudi Arabia has committed large sums of funds for relief, along with promises from the UK and France to send needed goods to support the displaced communities.

Publication date: August 13, 2014