As U.S. Resumes Aid to Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood Tightens Grip

  • Religion Today
  • Updated May 30, 2012
As U.S. Resumes Aid to Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood Tightens Grip

March 30, 2012

Two days after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved resuming military funding to Egypt -- expressing optimism in its "significant progress toward democracy" -- Islamists asserted control over yet another part of the country's transition to a new government, reports. On Sunday, it was announced that the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party and the Salafist Nour party would comprise roughly 70 of the 100 seats on Egypt's new constituent assembly, which will be responsible for crafting the country's new constitution. With Islamists leading the constitution-drafting process, sharia (Islamic law) is expected to be a major factor, and the Muslim Brotherhood appears increasingly likely to play a primary role in determining the nature of post-Mubarak Egypt as the country prepares for presidential elections in two months.