UK: 4 People Killed in 'Terror Incident' outside Parliament

UK: 4 People Killed in 'Terror Incident' outside Parliament

An attack that occurred outside the U.K. Parliament in London has reportedly resulted in four deaths and has been labeled as a “terrorist incident.”

In addition to the four people who were killed in the attack--including the alleged assailant--20 people were injured. The attack began when the assailant drove a vehicle into pedestrians on London’s Westminster Bridge.

The attacker then reportedly stabbed a police officer with a knife before he was shot and killed outside Parliament.

The Parliament building has been on lockdown while officials secure the area.

Eyewitnesses reported on the events. Rick Longley saw the vehicle plow into pedestrians and told the Press Association what unfolded:

"They were just laying there and then the whole crowd just surged around the corner by the gates just opposite Big Ben," he said. "A guy came past my right shoulder with a big knife and just started plunging it into the policeman. I have never seen anything like that. I just can't believe what I just saw."

The U.K.’s Prime Minister, Theresa May, was rushed to safety following the event. She will reportedly hold an emergency meeting to discuss the response to the terror attack, according to Fox News.

Although he has not issued an official statement, President Trump is reportedly monitoring the events in London as well.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer did comment that the U.S. applauds British officials’ swift response to the attack.

Fox News also notes that this attack occurred on the one-year anniversary of the deadly terror attack in Brussels when 32 people were killed in explosions set off at an airport and subway station.   


Photo: A member of the public is treated by emergency services near Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament on March 22, 2017 in London, England. A police officer has been stabbed near to the British Parliament and the alleged assailant shot by armed police. Scotland Yard report they have been called to an incident on Westminster Bridge where several people have been injured by a car.

Photo courtesy: Carl Court/Getty Images'

Publication date: March 22, 2017