UK Church Defends Decision to Allow Travelers to Camp on Church Property

UK Church Defends Decision to Allow Travelers to Camp on Church Property

A church in the UK is defending its decision to allow a group of travelers to camp on their land, according to

The church, Pavilion Christian Community, part of the 200-year-old Fellowship Churches of Christ, decided to extend the love of Christ and allow the travelers to use their land.

"It's been an interesting week being Pastor of Pavilion Church as we've openly welcomed a travelling community,” stated Pastor Mat Wilson. “We've had many positive responses from the community but also a few negative too. The good news will always face opposition but isn't following Jesus costly sometimes."

A statement on the church’s Facebook page continued explaining the church’s decision:

"As you are probably aware a group of travellers arrived at Rowheath Thursday evening. They set up without permission on the edge of the sports fields. You may also be aware that a lot of parks across Birmingham have had groups of travellers, often staying for up to a week whilst eviction notices are applied (and paid) for and bailiffs and police organised accordingly. Most of the travelling communities headed south following the Appleby Horse Fair, an annual gathering of gypsies and travellers in Appleby, Cumbria."

As long as the travelers agree to keep the land clean and not bring a disturbance to the community, the church says they are welcome to stay “until 5pm on Sunday.”

Publication date: July 28, 2016