UK Prayer Initiative Begins in April: 100,000 Expected to Join

UK Prayer Initiative Begins in April: 100,000 Expected to Join

A wide-reaching initiative to unite evangelicals is set to launch in the UK in April, and more than 100,000 people are expected to participate.

According to Christian Today, the event is called “17:21” because of John 17:21 in which Jesus says, “May they all be one that the world might believe.”

A number of different Christian groups and festivals will be involved in 17:21, which is set to begin in April and will continue all the way until October 2017.

Nola Leach, the Chief Executive of CARE, which is involved in 17:21, explained the event’s focus on unity:

“17:21 is one of the most exciting initiatives towards unity across Christian groups that we have seen in our lifetime. It has been an immense privilege for CARE to be involved. It's been great to see so many different Christian festivals and conferences want to take part in this initiative. It's a significant reminder of just how much we share by believing in Jesus, and what we can achieve when we are united.”

Steve Clifford, the General Director of The Evangelical Alliance, also commented on the event: “It has been a wonderful privilege to see unfold before our eyes this amazing expression of unity across the diversity of the evangelical church here in the UK. We trust 17:21 will cause there to be smiles in heaven and greater effectiveness in God's mission here on earth.”


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Publication date: February 28, 2017