Urban Outfitters Selling Drunk Jesus T-Shirt

Urban Outfitters Selling Drunk Jesus T-Shirt

Urban Outfitters is certainly no stranger to scandal. The clothing retail chain has drawn many critics over the years, regardless of background or lifestyle. Its T-shirts have featured slogans and images that offended Jews, African Americans, even Native Americans. By now, the company should have learned to use a bit more tact in their marketing, but their newest merchandise proves that’s far from happening. According to Abram Brown of Forbes, Urban Outfitters celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by releasing their latest shirt: The Drunk Jesus.

Brown stated,

“For St. Patrick’s Day, Urban is selling a green T-shirt with an image of a young guy with a full mug of beer. He’s bearded with shaggy hair and what look like rays of sunlight radiate around him. It is unquestionably Jesus Christ holding up that brew with a cheery smile. And if there’s any doubt about His identity, Urban included this catchy slogan next to the T-shirt’s picture on its website: ‘Throw some back with the holy man himself in this epic tee!’”

It is common knowledge that St. Patrick’s Day is rowdy and unconventional, but many Christians believe this image goes too far. One Chicago man responded,

“In am HIGHLY  insulted at what this company will do to sell a product! I am not a prude, and like a beer myself, but this is unacceptable.”

The holiday has always been a controversial subject among some Christians. John Stonestreet of Breakingpoint spent the day musing how Guinness has actually been used to spread the Gospel, while Dr. Jerry Newcombe felt the holiday was an insult to the memory of St. Patrick. As for Urban Outfitters, the company has released no statement concerning their Drunk Jesus T-Shirt.

*Published 3/18/2014