Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nurses Pray over Hospital amid Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Amanda Casanova Contributor
  • Published Apr 02, 2020
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nurses Pray over Hospital amid Coronavirus Pandemic

A group of nurses from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee gathered at the hospital’s helipad earlier this week to pray amid the coronavirus outbreak.

“When you have a few extra minutes at work, you take the time to go to the helipad and pray,” Angela Gleaves wrote in a Facebook post, according to Faithwire. “We prayed over the staff in our unit as well as all of the hospital employees.

“We also prayed over the patients and their families during this trying time,” Gleaves added. “We also prayed for all of our colleagues around the world taking care of patients.”

According to Today, Gleaves was joined by fellow nurses Sarah Kremer, Beth Tiesler, Tanya Dixon and McKenzie Gibson.

Kremer had asked Gleaves to join her to pray on Monday, which was also Kremer’s birthday.

"We just wanted to share (the pictures) to let everyone know that we were praying not only for our hospital, but all the patients and the families," Gleaves told TODAY. "It's just a really hard time for families as well as patients right now because a lot of hospitals aren't allowing visitors.

"It was a great moment. There was a little bit of wind, and I felt like it was God pushing us to care for these patients and do what we're trained to do."

She said other hospital workers have asked if there could be weekly prayer sessions.

"All the outpouring of love and support of companies donating masks and people sending these donations has just been beautiful," Gleaves said. "We see it as God working through others and wanting to bless others."

In her Facebook post, Kremer said that she was glad to have shared the moment with her co-workers.

“We could feel God's presence in the wind. Know that you are all covered in prayer."

Photo courtesy: Angela Gleaves Facebook Page

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.