Video of Little Girl Praising Jesus Goes Viral

Video of Little Girl Praising Jesus Goes Viral

Loren Patterson loves dancing and singing, especially when she can do so praising Jesus. Recently, Loren’s mother Jennifer posted a video that went viral of her daughter dancing and singing in their church’s children’s choir.

Loren can be seen in the video dancing, stomping her feet, clapping, and singing enthusiastically to a praise song. “Loren singing in choir this morning. In case you can’t find her she’s the one in pink and brown,” Jennifer lightheartedly captioned the video.

"I could tell something was going on, but I couldn't tell what it was," Patterson told ABC News, as reported by CBN News. "When I saw the video, I just couldn't believe what she was doing."

Loren was simply taking joy in praising Jesus. "That is 100 percent her personality," Jennifer added. "She was just going with the Lord."

The video Jennifer posted to Facebook of Loren dancing and singing has received over 40 million views, and Jennifer says their family has received so many messages of encouragement and inspiration from it.

"I've gotten them from around the world, from people saying they've been blessed in one way or another," she shared.  "One I remember in particular was a woman who renewed her faith just because she felt the conviction when she watched the video."


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Publication date: November 9, 2017