Vietnam: 4,000 Christians Beaten by Police for Protesting Environmental Disaster

Vietnam: 4,000 Christians Beaten by Police for Protesting Environmental Disaster

Four thousands Vietnamese Christians were beaten by police when they attempted to protest the government’s contamination of the sea which is vital to the livelihood of many.

The Christian Post reports that Formosa Plastic Group allegedly dumped large amounts of waste into the sea, contaminating 70 tons of fish.

"Fishing is a vital and important source of income and food for Vietnam and would have a major impact on the economy if the situation continues without proper counter measures. As a result protests have continued and local authorities, in an attempt to quell the situation, have resorted to violence," reports International Christian Concern (ICC).

Police reportedly blocked the protesters from marching on municipal officers in Ky Anh town. They also resorted to violence, injuring many people with blows from truncheons.

Many Vietnamese families do not know how they will survive now that the sea has been polluted.

Christian persecution in Vietnam is only increasing. Open Doors USA ranked the country twentieth on their World Watch List of worst countries for Christian persecution.

Christians in Vietnam are not only targeted by the government, but also by those who are opposed to their faith. Back in July, three Christian homes were stoned by an angry mob due to their occupants' faith.


Publication date: August 19, 2016