Want to Read through the Entire Bible This Year? John Piper Explains How to do It
Many Christians have made New Year’s resolutions to read through the entire Bible this year, but how do you begin such a task? Pastor John Piper recently offered some help.
According to The Christian Post, Piper has encouraged Christians to begin their Bible reading by reading from four separate places daily.
This is called the Discipleship Journal Reading Plan, explained Piper in a post on his website, Desiring God.
"By reading these four different places, you complete the entire Bible in one year. Two of those places are in the New Testament, two of them are in the Old Testament,” explained Piper.
This plan also only has scheduled Bible readings for 25 days of every month, which leaves time to catch up if you fall behind, which may help you stay motivated to complete it.
Piper stressed how important it is to be regularly reading the Word of God:
"Christ is most magnified in us when we are most satisfied in Him, and we cannot be daily satisfied in the depths of our soul in Christ if we don't see Him and savor Him."
"I know that, left to myself, I am an absolute dud. I am blank, nothing deep, nothing moving, nothing intense, nothing beautiful, nothing precious, nothing sweet or wonderful…” he continued. There is one hope for John Piper in 2018: that I would have eyes to see the God-entranced magnificence of everything — namely that God would be pleased in my Bible reading to cause me to see the glory that is really there."
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstockphotos.com
Publication date: January 5, 2018
Originally published January 05, 2018.