Zimbabwe: Trump Administration Condemns Human Rights Abuses of Mugabe's Regime

Zimbabwe: Trump Administration Condemns Human Rights Abuses of Mugabe's Regime

The Trump administration is condemning Robert Mugabe’s government for its human rights abuses, particularly for arresting two pastors who spoke out against the Zimbabwean president’s regime.

Pastor Evan Mawarire, who spearheaded the #ThisFlag civil rights movement in Zimbabwe, and Pastor Phillip Patrick Mugadza, were both arrested for stirring up anti-government sentiment. Mawarire had been living in a self-imposed exile and was arrested when he returned to Zimbabwe, according to Christian Today.

David Mcguire, a spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe, spoke out against President Mugabe’s authoritarian regime and called the arrests of the two pastors “unwarranted.”  

"The US government unequivocally believes in the basic right of freedom of speech and calls on the government of Zimbabwe to respect the human rights of all Zimbabweans which are enshrined in the constitution. We believe that the basic right of Zimbabweans to freedom of speech – be it in public, through print media or social media – should be protected within and outside Zimbabwe's borders,” said Mcguire.

For his part, Mugabe condemned the pastors and used their biblical rhetoric against them.

"A man of religion will speak the biblical truth. 1 Corinthians what does it say? Love one another," said Mugabe. "So beware these men of cloth, not all of them are true preachers of the Bible. I don't know whether they are serving God. They spell God in reverse. The Mawarires and those who believe in that way of living in our country, well, they are not part of us in thinking. They are not part of us as we try to live together."


Photo courtesy: Flickr.com

Publication date: February 7, 2017