Duane ‘DOG’ Chapman Shares His Heart and Passion for What Really Drives Him to Live Out His Christian Faith

To many who know and watch Duane “DOG “Chapman, they know the man who is portrayed as the reality TV Show star. However, Duane wants to be known for something even greater, as a child of God who is trying his best to carry out the mission that God has placed him on. In an exclusive interview with Crosswalk Headlines, Duane “DOG” Chapman, otherwise known as the Bounty Hunter DOG, shares his heart and passion for what really drives him to live out his Christian faith. In his new book “Nine Lives and Counting,” Chapman shares the highs and lows of his past and what formed him into the person he is today, which is a man changed and radically formed by God.
Crosswalk Headlines: What was it like going back and reviewing your life for your new book?
Duane Chapman: This is the third book I've written however, with this one I had the supervision of my wife who guided me through parts of it. I wanted to leave a legacy for my kids and grandkids to have what I’ve experienced and what the Lord has brought me out of. The book, it's like a calling card or a business card of how people can get to know me better.
CWH: In your book you’re very open about the faith of your mom and how she was influential in leading you back to Christ?
DC: That goes to a lot of mothers out there. Don't quit praying for your backward kids. Yeah. The Bible says if you raise a child up in the ways of the Lord, they will never depart. It doesn't mean they won't stray. My mother was the fourth generation on the women's side of her family as teachers and preachers. She just pumped God into me. I got saved I think when I was four or five. I received the Holy Ghost at Church camp when I was seven or nine. My mom taught me what was right and wrong and was there every step of the way even when I was making the wrong steps. My mom was one of the greatest mothers that I could have.
CWH: Your mom recently passed away. How are you holding up?
DC: My life was almost completely over when mom went to heaven. She was only 60 years old, but I carry her everywhere with me.
CWH: In the book, you reveal how people around you have the gift of prophesy and have ministered to you in your past. What Spiritual gifts do you have?
DC: I am an evangelist, and my wife is a prophet. I have been assigned to the devil’s herd. That’s what God has called me to do. I believe that I have been placed here to take felons to Heaven.
CWH: Why do you say that?
DC: That’s what Jesus did when He was on the cross. The first person that He took to Heaven with him was the felon next to Him on the cross.
CWH: Where does the “DOG” come from in your name?
DC: I was a motorcycle gang member. You are nicknamed when you’re in a motorcycle club. I rode with the Devil's Disciples which was a one percenter. Now that means they were very evil. They were the Sister Club to the Hell's Angels. I wouldn't flip the bird to God in the rain. I would back off the guys that did that. Although I was in the group, I would always mention the word God. So, that’s how I got the name DOG, which is spelled God backward.
CWH: How did you end up on your own reality TV show?
DC: Three people are responsible for helping me get started. Sharon and Ozzy Osborne along with Tony Robinson. I spoke at Tony’s conferences in the 1980’s and the Osbornes had me on their show a few times. All three of them thought that I should do a show and opened the door for it to happen.
CWH: What do you enjoy about being a Bounty Hunter?
DC: You know, the main thing, the truth, I like beating them down because I’m Christian outlaw. I like putting them in the back of the car and watching them cry. And instantly, once I get 'em on the ground, they're cuffed. My whole personality changes. I give 'em a cigarette and I go through their life. What changed you? Where did it start? How come you hate your mother? I don't. How come you hate your dad? I never met him. You know? And then suddenly, the Holy Ghost, the Lord, the Spirit gives me the words to tell them. It’s amazing once they get out of prison, how much they thank me for the ministry that I did.
CWH: You see this as your ministry?
DC: I give them the last ride. I’m like the conductor on the train. The guy that says all aboard. I'm the last responder not the first responder. So, I like for them to call me and say, “Dog, you helped change my life. That makes me feel so proud in knowing that God used me. I’m not going after the body. I’m going after their souls.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Bennett Raglin / Stringer
Originally published June 03, 2024.