3 Doors Down Lead Singer Brad Arnold Surprises Concert Fans with Message of Faith Saying ‘Jesus Loves You’

The award-winning rock band 3 Doors Down performed their well-known hits for an energetic crowd in Hershey, Pa., last weekend but also surprised the audience by sharing a biblical message. A Grammy-nominated and American Music Awards-winning band, 3 Doors Down is known for megahits such as Kryptonite, Here Without You, and When I'm Gone, all of which reached the Top 5 on Billboard's Hot 100 list in the early 2000s. Here Without You has 1 billion YouTube streams.
3 Doors Down is not a Christian band, but lead singer Brad Arnold told the crowd in the Aug. 23 performance he felt led to discuss faith.
He made the comments prior to the band's song Away from the Sun, Church Leaders reported.
"This world surrounds us with a message that we'll never be good enough, we'll never be strong enough, we'll never be beautiful enough, we'll never be rich enough," Arnold said.
"Social media surrounds us with those messages all the time … that nobody really, really loves us."
Such messages, he said, are "an absolute lie."
"You are loved, and you are enough, and you will win," Arnold said. "Not only can you win, but you will win, and you'll always be enough for one reason -- that's because Jesus Christ loves you. Jesus Christ loves you so much that He made you just the way you are, just the way you're standing there right now.
"[He] loves you enough to let you know that you're not complete. That's not all you'll be. There's more, I promise you, there's more, and you will win."
Arnold encouraged the audience to repeat after him, "I am the one that Jesus loves."
The Apostle John "described himself as the one that Jesus loved, not because he was the greatest," Arnold said. "He said those things despite all his failures, just like we all have. I fail every day. I failed all day today. You failed today, but you're still the one that Jesus loves."
WATCH: Brad Arnold from 3 Doors Down shares Jesus with 28,000 people- Hershey PA
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Rick Diamond/Staff
Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chronicle, the Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.
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Originally published August 28, 2024.