Michael Foust

437,000 Ethiopians Fill the Capital to Hear Franklin Graham Proclaim the Gospel

More than 400,000 Ethiopians gathered in Addis Ababa for "Encountering God Ethiopia," a historic two-day evangelistic event led by Franklin Graham,...
Updated Mar 11, 2025
437,000 Ethiopians Fill the Capital to Hear Franklin Graham Proclaim the Gospel

More than 400,000 Ethiopians packed the heart of that nation’s capital city over the weekend to hear Franklin Graham proclaim the gospel during a massive two-day outdoor event that saw 1,600 churches work together as part of a historic collaboration. 

“God made you. God created you. God loves you,” Graham told the crowd. “He took your sins and my sins, and He went to the grave. But I’m here tonight to tell you that God will forgive you …if you’re willing to accept Christ by faith.”  

Approximately 117,000 people came out to Meskel Square in Addis Ababa on Saturday, while 320,000 packed the same area the next day to hear Graham deliver a life-transforming message. The event also featured performances by Christian artists.

The event was dubbed “Encountering God Ethiopia” and marked the 65th anniversary of Graham’s father, Billy Graham, preaching in the same city.

“God so loved Ethiopia, He sent His Son from heaven to save Ethiopia. And tonight, He will save you if you repent and believe on the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ,” Franklin Graham told the crowd. 

Thousands of Ethiopians committed their lives to Christ, with local churches set to follow up and support them in their faith journey.

“I have no words to express my heart,” said Dereje Jemberu, general secretary of the Ethiopian Council of Gospel Believers Churches. “My eyes were full of tears to see so many people respond to the Good News that was preached. This is what we wanted -- we have been praying for many years for a moment such as this. I thank God for what He is doing in Ethiopia and what He has done this weekend. This has helped encourage and motivate evangelical churches to continue to work together to understand one another and to organize activities to reach as many people as possible with the hope of Jesus Christ.”

Photo Credit: ©BGEA

Originally published March 11, 2025.


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