Michael Foust

K.B. and Lecrae Remain 'Christian Brothers' 3 Years after Label Split, K.B. Says: 'I Look Up to Him'

Christian hip-hop artist K.B. says he and fellow artist Lecrae remain friends three years after he left Lecrae’s label Reach Records in order to...
Updated Sep 13, 2023
K.B. and Lecrae Remain 'Christian Brothers' 3 Years after Label Split, K.B. Says: 'I Look Up to Him'

Christian hip-hop artist K.B. says he and fellow artist Lecrae remain friends three years after he left Lecrae’s label Reach Records in order to sign a deal with Sony.

The men are two of the biggest names in Christian hip-hop, a fact that led fans to speculate back in 2020 on the reasons K.B. left Reach Records, which had thrust him into the Christian music spotlight a decade earlier after he inked a deal there in 2010. 

K.B. and Lecrae collaborated on a new song, Miracles, that is part of K.B.’s newest album, His Glory Alone II. It was the first time they collaborated on each other’s music since the split.

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“I do think that Lecrae and I represent a brotherhood that has been transcendental to the different ebbs and flows of life,” K.B. told Christian Headlines. “We have, as friends, done a lot of work. God has miraculously preserved our relationship in a very divisive culture and divisive world, even through divisive moments.”

K.B. added he has “seen the hand of God” work in their friendship.

“I consider Lecrae a brother who has mentored me and that I'm encouraged by, I look up to, I am so thankful for [and] an important presence in my life beyond any kind of challenges that we have had and will have,” K.B. told Christian Headlines. “We're brothers brothers fight, but Christian brothers reconcile, and that's a kind of supernatural work.”

Miracles has been streamed 700,000 times on YouTube since its release one month ago. In 2020, K.B. said he believed Christian hip-hop would grow more if he departed Reach Records. Christian hip-hop, he told Ruslan KD, needs a “multiplicity” of artists and labels. The genre, he added, needs “all kinds of Christian hip-hop artists on all kinds of labels that are all doing well.”

Photo courtesy: ©Sony/Provident, used with permission.

Video courtesy: ©KB YouTube channel

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chronicle, the Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel. 

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Originally published September 13, 2023.