Milton Quintanilla

T.D. Jakes Recovering after Health Scare during Powerful Sunday Sermon

Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potter's House in Dallas is "recovering well" after experiencing a health incident during a sermon on Sunday. The episode...
Updated Nov 27, 2024
T.D. Jakes Recovering after Health Scare during Powerful Sunday Sermon

Texas Bishop TD Jakes of the Dallas-based megachurch is "recovering well" after suffering a health incident while delivering a Sermon on Sunday. The incident took place after Jakes told the congregation he loved preaching and started to pray before dropping his mic and fell silent, Page Six reported

"Now Lord let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh Lord my strength, and My Redeemer let him go in peace," Jakes said in his prayer, citing 19:14. 

He then started involuntarily shaking in his seat, which prompted the people near him to rush toward him on the altar while the rest of the church started to pray for him before the live stream of the service ended.

In an update following the incident, The Potter's House released a statement on social media regarding the bishop's condition. 

"During today's service, Bishop T.D. Jakes experienced a slight health incident and received immediate medical attention following his powerful hour-long message. Bishop Jakes is stable and under the care of medical professionals," a statement read.

"The entire Potter's House family is grateful for the outpouring of love, prayers, and support from the community. Thank you for your understanding and continued prayers."

According to CBS News, Jakes' daughter, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and her husband Toure Roberts, who both have preached at the Potter's House and co-pastors at ONE | A Potter's House Church in Los Angeles confirmed on social media late Sunday night that the bishop is "recovering well."

"Obviously, today could have been a tragic day, but it wasn't; by the mercy of God, by the grace of God, Bishop is doing well, he's recovering well, he's under medical care, he's strong," said Toure Roberts. "We're trying to get him to sit down, he's the strong Bishop that we know, but we really can't thank you enough for your prayers."

"I'm so grateful that he's already beginning to improve," Sarah Jakes Roberts said. "It's a reminder that even going into this holiday season, we need to love on the people who you hold near and dear and just take the time to be grateful for all the people God's given you."

WATCH: Bishop T.D. Jakes Recovering after Health Incident during Service

Photo Credit: ©Facebook/T.D. Jakes Ministries

Originally published November 25, 2024.


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