Todd White Reveals Heart Condition that Only Allows the Left Half of His Heart to Pump at 20 Percent Capacity

Todd White Reveals Heart Condition that Only Allows the Left Half of His Heart to Pump at 20 Percent Capacity

Todd White, an evangelist and street healer, recently revealed that he is suffering from a heart condition that will only allow the left side of his heart to pump at 20 percent capacity.

White, the founder and president of Lifestyle Christianity (LCU), explained in a video last week that his absence at his church’s Expand 22 event was due to a heart condition. Expand 22 is a campaign by the church intended to raise money for “planting a seed to propel the Gospel in these unprecedented times and see as many sons and daughters commissioned to go and make disciples among the nations.”

“Unfortunately, for the beginning of this campaign, I had an issue come up with my heart,” White said. “I haven’t been here at the training center. I haven’t been able to preach like I want to. I haven’t been able to speak like I want to,” he said.

“I had some kind of virus come in and weaken the left ventricle side of my heart,” White continued, adding that he exercises and eats healthy.

White also shared that his doctor recommended that he stay on bed rest for 90 days so his body could recuperate, Church Leaders reports.

In the video, White also shared that his heart is improving, and he looks forward to returning to ministry.

“I’m only 60 days out from being fully released to be able to go and preach the gospel and do everything that I’m called to do, and that is going across America, bringing the power and love; it’s making LCU as strong as it can possibly be,” White said.

“We want to bring God’s kingdom right here, right now,” he concluded. “We want to see America saved, but we need you guys to help partner. Please help us right now with this Expand 22. We really need help. We need you to sow now…Bless you. We love you. Help us if we’ve helped you. Love you.”

White, a former drug addict and atheist, has often been called a false teacher for teaching the prosperity gospel and claiming that he can heal people.

In July 2020, White confessed to not preaching the “whole gospel” and declared his repentance.

“When you come into the gospel because you’ve come for a better life, then you’ve come in for the wrong gospel,” White said in a sermon at the time.

In another sermon weeks later, White slammed his critics for labeling him a false teacher instead of praying for him.

“To say that someone’s wrong and to not get on your face and cry out for their soul…you actually hate me,” White argued, adding that those who criticize him are lovers of their own opinions.

“If you have a problem with someone, you better be praying for them,” he told the congregation.


'I Repent!': Todd White Confesses to Not Preaching the 'Whole Gospel'

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Paul Campbell

Milton QuintanillaMilton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for CrosswalkHeadlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.