March for Life Draws Thousands to Washington DC

March for Life Draws Thousands to Washington DC

On Wednesday thousands of pro-life supporters descended on Washington DC, marching from the National Mall to Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court.

Penny Young Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, wrote about her participation in the march in an article for FOX News. “We must fight for those who cannot speak for themselves or, as the Bible calls them, ‘the least of these,’” she wrote. “The most vulnerable need our full attention, and they have it like never before since 1973.”

This year the march marks the 41st anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade. For abortion supporters, the anniversary is a cause for celebration. But for pro-life supporters like Mary Baxter, who joined the march from Grand Rapids, Michigan, along with her two daughters, Sarah and Ashleigh, the day takes on a more solemn tone.

“We're here today in peaceful protest, just like Martin Luther King,” she said. “Life is the first gift we are all given. No one has the right to take that away.”

Protesters at the March for Life carried signs with statements such as “Babies are precious” and “I am the pro-life generation,” chanting slogans such as “Hey, hey, ho, ho, abortion has got to go!” as they marched.

“We march for the 55 million children who have been aborted since Roe v. Wade and cannot speak for themselves,” Penny Young Nance concluded. “We march because it is good to be alive.”