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Overcomer Expanding into 100 Additional Theaters This Weekend

One week after surpassing most prognostications, the faith-based film Overcomeris expanding.
Published Aug 30, 2019
Overcomer Expanding into 100 Additional Theaters This Weekend

Overcomer Expanding into 100 Additional Theaters This Weekend

One week after surpassing most prognostications, the faith-based film Overcomer is expanding.

Overcomer (PG) will open in 100 additional theaters this weekend, according to Provident Films, one of the companies behind the movie. Overcomer opened in 1,723 theaters last weekend and grossed $8.1 million to finish third behind Angel Has Fallen and Good Boys, and ahead of Hobbs & Shaw and The Lion King.

Its per-theater average ($4,728) ranked second among films in the Top 20. It also earned an A+ CinemaScore grade from moviegoers and a 98 percent audience score at Rotten Tomatoes.

Kimber Myers, a film critic for The Los Angeles Times, gave Overcomer a positive score and said the movie has “an emotionally effective conclusion that might persuade even the cynics to its cause.”

The film tells the story of a high school basketball coach who grows dejected when a town tragedy forces his best players to move elsewhere – spoiling what he thought would be a state championship-contending season. His situation gets worse when he is told to coach a sport he hates: cross country.

It was made by Alex and Stephen Kendrick, the same filmmakers behind War Room, Courageous, Fireproof and Facing the Giants.

The film’s poster asks moviegoers to consider: What do you allow to define you? The movie is based on Ephesians 1-2 and examines what it means to have an identity in Christ.

Actor Jack Sterner, who plays one of the coach’s sons, said the movie is much needed in today’s church. Pride, arrogance, insecurity and shame prevent Christians from discovering their true identity, he said.

“A story that tracks your identity is really important for people who are struggling with that, because they need to be reminded that they are chosen, that they're adopted, that they're loved by the Almighty God,” Sterner told Christian Headlines.


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Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,

Photo courtesy: Sony/Kendrick Brothers

Originally published September 02, 2019.