100-Year-Old Veteran Began Walking, Rain or Shine, to Raise Money & Look How Far He’s Gone

100-Year-Old Veteran Began Walking, Rain or Shine, to Raise Money & Look How Far He’s Gone

During COVID, Harold realized he needed to find a way to get his exercise in. He started by walking with his 3-wheeled walker, 40 laps around his garden a day, 30 laps in the morning, and 10 in the afternoon. He also doesn’t let bad weather get in the way of his daily walking goals.

Inspired to Raise Money

After being inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore, Harold decided to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease, a disease that he had lost three friends to. MND affects the nerves and movement. Moore is also a World War II veteran who raised millions of dollars for healthcare workers fighting COVID. He, too, started by walking in his backyard.

Harold feels that walking laps has kept him fit and states, “I have no problems with knees, ankles, or feet or anything like that.” He attributes his determination and resilience to the five years he spent in the British Army during World War II.

He Has Walked over 40,000 Laps

After four years, Harold has walked over 40,000 laps around his garden. He has earned over £43,000, the equivalent of around $54,565 in US dollars. He has also been awarded the Points of Light award by the Prime Minister.

The 100-year-old great-grandfather commented on walking laps, “I may intend to keep going as long as I can despite my age to help other people. Because in life, it is about helping others.”

We need more Harold’s in this world. Those willing to find ways to help others and work for a better world. Showing the love of Jesus to those in need.

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” – Philippians 2:3

WATCH: Harold Shares Why He Walks Laps!

This content originally appeared on GodUpdates.com; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/SWNS