5-Year-Old Stays on the Line with 911 to Save Dad and the Conversation She Has Is Priceless

Savannah Hensley was just five years old when she had to take over the call with 911 to help save her dad. Although she was quite young, she was able to stay calm to get her dad the help he needed.
911 dispatcher Jason Bonham asks the young girl about her name and age. She answers with confidence as she stands by to help her dad. Her father, Frank, was able to make the initial 911 phone call, but then she had to take over as he could not talk.
Savannah is There For Her Dad
“My dad can hardly breathe,” Savannah tells him. Jason asks her if the door is unlocked, and when it isn’t, he asks her to unlock it. She responds with, “Sure!” and follows his directions.
“Don’t worry, Dad,” she repeatedly says, reassuring him that help is coming while staying on the 911 call.
“We’re in our jammies, and we’re trying to go to bed, but he can’t hardly breathe,” Savannah tells the dispatcher. Although only five, Savannah is doing a great job following directions.
She Keeps Him Awake
Jason tells her that the ambulance is on the way and asks her if he dad is still awake. He tells her to “keep him awake, okay?” and she rises to the occasion and does just that.
In a priceless moment, Savannah reassures her dad. “Stay calm,” she says. “I know you haven’t had oxygen before but…” truly making sure her dad is doing okay.
As the call continues, Jason stays on the line, letting her know he will stay with her until the ambulance arrives and to listen for the sirens. Little Savannah continues to reassure her dad that the ambulance is on the way and does what Jason tells her to do.
Jason asks her questions, such as if her dad has been sick or if this has ever happened before. She does an excellent job of asking her father the questions and getting back to Jason about what he said.
Doing What the Dispatcher On the 911 Call Tells Her To Do
She then says, “So far, so good, he is still awake,” as if she was a grown adult, not a young child. She watches over her dad and ensures they do what the dispatcher on the 911 call tells them to do.
Savannah also seems a little concerned about her outfit. She talks about being in a tank top and needing to change. She also lets Jason know about their dog. Her dog is friendly but tends to bark a lot.
After the call, Jason went on to say, “Most people, when you talk with them, they're so hysterical.” He was amazed by how calm Savanahh was able to stay. “Every time I've listened to it, it's amazing. She's just a little person.” According to the Scoop, Savannah was on the line for 10 minutes. She truly was her dad’s little hero.
Thankfully, her father recovered and was okay. He has to be super proud of his daughter, who stepped in when she was needed during the call to 911, even at her young age.
None of us parents really know how our kids might act in a crisis, but this little girl did amazing.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Juple
Originally published on God Updates. Used with permission.
Originally published May 23, 2024.