Comedian Tim Hawkins’ Hilarious Take on Selfies, Social Media, and a Fear about Heaven

Comedian Tim Hawkins’ Hilarious Take on Selfies, Social Media, and a Fear about Heaven

Every follower of Jesus Christ wants and strives to make it to Heaven. Yes, being human, we all still fall and stumble, but Heaven is the destination for those who have accepted Him as their personal Lord and Savior. All desperately want to enter the pearly gates as they hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant," after they leave this Earth.

Heaven will be the most stunningly beautiful place imaginable, full of people who constantly praise and worship the Lord. It will also be an opportunity to reunite with loved ones who have gone before us. But besides singing His praises and fellowshipping with other believers, what activities will be available are unclear.

In a clip posted on social media, Tim tries to fill in some of those gaps. He hilariously describes what people might be doing once we all get to Heaven, such as singing, dancing, and hanging out with people like Paul, Moses, and Abraham.

However, Tim mentions that he does have one fear about going to Heaven: He does not want to embarrass himself.

"There's gonna be a lot of famous people there," Tim said. "I hope I don't embarrass myself, get all starstruck, you know?"

In the video, Tim mimics dancing and worshipping the Creator when he notices a pretty recognizable face worshipping and dancing right next to him.

"That's the apostle Paul!" Tim says as he rushes over and pretends to grab a quick selfie with the man credited with writing much of the New Testament.

In the clip, Tim casually mentions how Heaven may even have their own social platform: Gracebook.

Proverbs 17:22 "A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry."

WATCH: Comedian Tim Hawkins’s Hilarious Take on Selfies, Social Media and a Fear He Has about Heaven

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©Instagram/Tim Hawkins Comic