Family Took in a Homeless 73-Year-Old Veteran and It Changed His Life

Family Took in a Homeless 73-Year-Old Veteran and It Changed His Life

Giving others a second chance is a deeply human gesture that speaks to our own experiences of growth and resilience. We all stumble and fall; it’s part of being human. But those moments don’t define us entirely. They’re moments of learning, opportunities to rise stronger and wiser. And for Michael, a second chance is what he needed.

Michael Cloyd Found His Forever Home

At 73 years old, Vietnam veteran Michael found his forever home with a loving family. Michael had been living in a motel, his health declining with multiple falls. Late last year, Michael was admitted to the VA Hospital for nearly four months due to challenges in finding suitable assisted living.

Christina mentioned that earlier life issues made it hard for people to look past them. That changed when Vilitha and her family opened their doors as Love, Recovery, and Connections – an adult family care facility.

"I feel like despite your background and circumstances, everyone deserves a second chance at redemption, at hope, and at support," Vilitha shared. Her dream of opening her home to adult family care, where residents like Michael live full-time in a house with a family and receive help with daily living and healthcare, is a testament to the power of community support. It’s not just a place to live, and it’s a home with a family that offers a lifeline to those in need.

Mike Is Family Now

“To us, Mike is family," Vilitha said. "Seeing him happy brings us joy. "They've included Michael in family gatherings like Mother's Day brunch.

Each of us is on a journey filled with ups and downs, victories and setbacks. But our worth and potential go far beyond our mistakes. When we offer someone a second chance, we acknowledge their love just as much as we are in Christ. It’s about creating a space where growth and change are not just possible but encouraged. Vilitha and her family are the hands and feet of Jesus, and it's a beautiful story and a powerful expression of compassion and faith in the human spirit.

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

WATCH: Family Took in a Homeless 73-Year-Old Veteran, and It Changed His Life

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©Facebook/BrooklynAndres