Positive Stories

Woman Gives Birth on Plane with the Help of a Flight Attendant

Planning where you want to give birth is a milestone when you become pregnant. You imagine the room, your doctor, or your midwife. You probably...
Updated Mar 04, 2025
Woman Gives Birth on Plane with the Help of a Flight Attendant

The flight had just taken off from Dakar, Senegal, headed to Brussels when Ndeye, a pregnant passenger on the Brussels Airlines flight, “alerted the crew” and let them know she was in severe pain.

A Flight Attendant Helped the Woman Give Birth on the Plane

According to Motherly, a flight attendant, Jennifer Joie, asked the passengers if anyone could help the pregnant passenger. A doctor and a 22-year-old nurse who had just graduated stepped up to help the mom after her water broke.

The pilots were able to turn the plane around to go back to Dakar, but babies come when babies come. It was tense at first, as the LinkedIn post from Brussel Airlines shared. “And then, the most beautiful sound filled the cabin: her first cry. A doctor on board confirmed she was healthy, and relief washed over everyone,” the post read. And what a beautiful sound. A baby is being born.

As the plane landed, Jennifer held the baby named Fanta. Brussels Airlines posted a photo of Jennifer and the baby. “Welcome to the world, little Fanta! We hope to have you on board again one day ❤️✈️” the caption shared.

She Might Have Been a Midwife

"As a cabin crew member, you train for everything, even childbirth—but nothing prepares you for the real thing," Jennifer shares. "But we stayed calm, worked as a team, and followed our procedures. It was magical. If I hadn’t become a cabin crew member, I think I would have been a midwife."

Seeing people come together to help Ndeye deliver her baby in an unusual place is quite a blessing. We are thankful God was there, watching out for everyone and bringing Fanta into the world safely.

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” - Hebrews 13:2

A post shared by Brussels Airlines (@flyingbrussels)

This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©Instagram/

Originally published March 04, 2025.


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