Top 10 Articles of April 2011
We celebrated Resurrection Sunday last month, and did a lot of talking about a theologian named Rob Bell. One author, speaking out of personal experienced, advised what not to say to hurting people. Another author told us that eating more is good for us. Read all these articles and more below.
Facebook Divorce Stats: Couples 'Be Wise,' Experts Say
by Michael Foust
Whether or not Facebook is a reason for one in five divorces, it is becoming an increasing problem in marriages.
Time Management God’s Way
by Craig Groeschel
Wherever you are, be all there. That one tiny idea radically transformed the way I now conduct my everyday life.
"A Massive Shift Coming in What it Means to be a Christian"?
by Albert Mohler
TIME Magazine considers Rob Bell.
What Every Christian Needs to Know About Passover
by Russ Jones
As many prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, knowing the cultural Jewish soil on which Jesus walked is important to a mature and growing Christian faith. Here are a few steps for help along the Passover journey.
How Not to Minister to the Hurting
by Joe McKeever
Unfortunately, you will not believe what some well-meaning Christians say to a bereaved parent or the family member of someone tragically injured.
What Guys Think About Modesty
by Share the Message,
What is a woman's role in helping her brothers in Christ choose holiness over worldliness? Hear excerpts from CJ Mahaney's powerful and eye-opening sermon titled "The Soul of Modesty."
You Don't Eat Enough!
by Matt Erbaugh
An unopened Bible and an unused prayer closet hold no more spiritual value than uneaten vegetables do for the body.
Rob Bell, the Book, and a Candle
by John Mark Reynolds
The Bible require rigorous exegetical skills or it ends up saying what we wish it said. Rob Bell’s god ends up looking suspiciously like Rob Bell, never a good sign.
The Top Three Misconceptions About Joy
by Bonnie Gray
We all long to experience joy. Do we opt for safe joy when Jesus offers full joy?
Soul Surfer Rides Wave of Faith, Resilience
by Christian Hamaker
Soul Surfer inspires in its depiction of overcoming physical setbacks and the role faith plays in the lives of surfer Bethany Hamilton and her close-knit family.
Originally published May 03, 2011.