Top 10 Articles of June 2011
Why Disney Princesses Are Bad
by Allen Yeh
Aladdin is still my favorite Disney movie, but I have a little bit more perspective on these princesses who are, in general, a bad idea.
Sexual Intimacy Begins With the Heart
by Dr. David B. Hawkins
For many women — and men — sexual connection is dependent upon emotional connection...
The Key to Answered Prayer: Pray Like God's Friend
by Matt Erbaugh
How often does God give you what you are asking of him in prayer? How often does God say ‘Yes’?
13 Ways to Pursue More of Jesus
by Whitney Hopler
The more you have of Jesus in your life, the better your life will be. Here are practical suggestions for Pursuing More of Jesus.
7 Things We Regularly Get Wrong about Worship
by Joe McKeever
Listen as the congregation files out of the sanctuary on Sunday, and you'll hear the common refrain: "I didn't get anything out of ___ [fill-in-the-blank] ___."
Six Things We Must Get Right, Or It's All Over
by Joe McKeever
It's a wise church leader who knows which are the load-bearing essentials of the Lord's church, and which are the cosmetic non-essentials.
How to Discover The Secret of Contentment
by Whitney Hopler
Discontent? The problem may be with your soul instead of your circumstances.
The Top Five Lies of Perfectionism
by Bonnie Gray
Do you find perfectionism holding you back on the journey of faith? The top 5 lies of perfectionism can be wiped out with the truth.
The Christian Bucket List
by Joe McKeever
Fifty things every believer should do before Heaven.
15 Things I Have Learned from My Father
by John Piper
I owe my father more than I can ever remember, as his wisdom has become my own.
Originally published June 30, 2011.