God-Glorifying Social Media
The natural response to seeing God’s glory is to audibly praise Him.
Psalm 35:27-28 says, “Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, ‘Great is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of his servant!’ Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.”
Since the digital revolution, the platform of our audible voice has extended into the digital realm. We now have a digital voice. The all-daylong praise of God’s glory in Psalm 35 extends into this realm, especially through social media.
It is far easier to praise God’s glory through the medium of social media than many realize. Here are three common-sense techniques to share God-glorifying social media content.
1. Share a God-glorifying Word
Lots of people produce God-glorifying social media content already. If you’re on social media, you have friends, connections, those you follow, or a circle. Be sure to monitor your social network feed and the content already being shared. When you see something that proclaims the weightiness of God, don’t hesitate to praise Him by sharing. + One it. Like it. Retweet it. Make it known. Be part of an initiative that trends God-glorifying content.
Don’t hesitate to provide an original contribution to your social media network. Give your network a good, God-glorifying Word. You have prayers and praises to share. Occasionally, you’ll have a deep thought. I typically get one or two a month. You’ll likely have more. You’ll also read something in the Bible or in a book that strikes you. If you’ve got your social network handy, and I bet you do – be immediate in sharing.
A lot of Bible apps have a copy and paste function. Kindle and iBooks have a sharing mechanism. If you’re reading a print copy, take a moment and type the quote out and share. This selfless effort will benefit another by bringing his or her attention to God’s glory.
2. Share a God-Glorifying Link
Whatever social media you’re using has a mechanism for shortening links. As you browse the web, look for opportunities to share. Youtube, Vimeo, and any news article or blog post will have a share button.
We consume and consume. Often, we don’t take a moment to share with others the goodness of God-glorifying content that we ingest. When you stumble across a link in the digital world that proclaims the excellencies of God, press that share button. Minister to someone else with what has ministered to you.
3. Share a God-glorifying Image
So many of us walk around with the power to share the image and likeness of God at a touch of a button. We have the astonishing capability to capture God’s creative masterpiece, the world, and all its creation with high resolution. This power is in your phone and thanks to apps like Instagram we can glorify God with this content.
Share photos of heavenly bodies, the picturesque horizon, wildlife, family, and friends. When you write your caption, give God credit for those snapshots. Indicate that God’s image is clearly seen in all creation (Romans 1:20).
The End for Which The World Was Made
Jonathan Edwards wrote a short piece expressing that the end for which God made the world is for His glory. If that is the case, then this end extends into the digital world.
So don’t waste your digital life! Share God-glorifying social media through these three techniques.
Joey Cochran served as an Associate Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma for four years before transitioning to be the Church Planting Intern at Redeemer Fellowship in St. Charles, Illinois under the leadership of Pastor Joe Thorn. Joey is a graduate of Dallas Seminary. Joey blogs at jtcochran.com. Follow @joeycochran on Twitter.
Originally published November 26, 2013.