Homeschool News

Another Homeschool Victory Appealed by Government

Mike Donnelly, director of international relations for HSLDA, welcomes the attention that has been given to the topic of homeschooling.
Published Dec 17, 2012
Another Homeschool Victory Appealed by Government

The case of a Jewish family, who recently won the right to homeschool in Sweden for religious reasons, has also been appealed by the Swedish government. The Namdar family’s case will be considered by the Supreme Administrative Court. The Swedish newspaper Metro shows rare support for the right to homeschool in Sweden in an interview earlier this month about the case.

Annelie Enochson, a member of the Christian Democrat party, states that if the Namdar victory is upheld, the ruling would bring Sweden closer into line with the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

“Many [families] want home schooling for other reasons [than religious motivation],” notes Enochson. “Maybe the kids have been bullied or have experienced this form of schooling in other countries that has been successful. Sweden is deviant in this respect compared to other countries.”

Favoring State Control

Yet the article also highlights the prejudice against homeschooling in favor of the state’s control over children and education. Helene Odenjung, member of the Liberal party, says that another favorable ruling would “open doors for stricter legislation” of homeschooling.

“I welcome the trial,” states Odenjung. “[Yet] it is very unfortunate if the court rules that one may be exempted from tuition and compulsory schooling for religious reasons. Legislation [about homeschooling] has already been tightened, but there is a risk that one cannot maintain the qualified teaching that everyone is entitled to.”

Mike Donnelly, director of international relations for HSLDA, welcomes the attention that has been given to the topic of homeschooling.

“I commend Ms. Enochson for her statements that recognize the fundamental role of parents and the family in the education and upbringing of children as a natural right,” Donnelly states. “The Johansson and Namdar families represent many other Swedish parents who long to be free to educate their children at home.”

This article originally appeared on Used with permission.

Staff Attorney Michael Donnelly is director of international affairs for HSLDA. He and his wife homeschool.

Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Through annual memberships, HSLDA is tens of thousands of families united in service together, providing a strong voice when and where needed.

Publication date: December 19, 2012

Originally published December 19, 2012.