Homeschool News

Michael Farris: Be Part of the Solution…Vote!

We encourage you to watch HSLDA Chairman Mike Farris’ new video on how crucial it is that you vote on Tuesday, November 6.
Updated Oct 31, 2012
Michael Farris: Be Part of the Solution…Vote!

We encourage you to watch HSLDA Chairman Mike Farris’ new video on how crucial it is that you vote on Tuesday, November 6. Please share this with your friends, family, and on social media.

Sam Adams, one of our founders, is reported to have said, “It does not take a majority to prevail…but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” As Election Day draws near, please keep this in mind and share with people in your circle.

We thank you for standing for homeschool freedom, and for your support of HSLDA. Homeschoolers may be a minority, but we have proved that when we unite, by the grace of God, we can achieve victory.

This article originally appeared on HSLDA's weekly update. Used with permission.

Will Estrada has been leading our efforts to defend homeschooling on Capitol Hill since 2006. As the oldest of eight kids, and a homeschool graduate who married a homeschool graduate, he has a passion for protecting homeschool freedom.

Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Through annual memberships, HSLDA is tens of thousands of families united in service together, providing a strong voice when and where needed.

Publication date: October 31, 2012

Originally published October 31, 2012.