Homeschool News

Victory against IRS Proposed Regulations on 501(c)(4) Organizations—For Now

Victory against IRS Proposed Regulations on 501(c)(4) Organizations—For Now
Published Jun 03, 2014
Victory against IRS Proposed Regulations on 501(c)(4) Organizations—For Now

In January, we asked for your help to keep the IRS from muzzling 501(c)(4) organizations like HSLDA from talking about politics. On May 22, in a major victory, the IRS announced that they would bow to public pressure, scrap the proposed regulation, and start over.

HSLDA strongly opposed the proposed regulation due to how it could restrict organizations like HSLDA and others from informing the public about our elected officials. HSLDA Senior Counsel Jim Mason testified before Congress against the proposed regulations in late February. He, along with other witnesses from across the political spectrum, argued that this rule set forth by the IRS would be an egregious violation of free speech.

Over 150,000 people and organizations submitted public comments about the proposed regulations, and we know that many homeschoolers joined the call in speaking out publically.

Thanks to your efforts and the efforts of others, this is a major victory for free speech and an informed and engaged citizenry. This battle is not over, however, as the IRS also made it clear that they intend to propose new regulations next year. HSLDA will review the proposed regulations when they are released to see if they will impact our efforts to keep you informed about our government. If they would limit free speech and the ability of citizens to hold their government accountable, we will again sound the alarm and work to stop them from becoming law.

Until then, we can all rejoice in a well-deserved victory. Yet again, we, the people can make a difference when we stand together in defense of our constitutional liberty.

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Courtesy HSLDA. Used with permission.

Cordell J. Asbenson assists with formulating policy and lobbying efforts on the federal level.

Publication date: June 4, 2014

Originally published June 04, 2014.