Daily Blog Update

A House Divided Cannot Stand

The enemy does not care if you fight, as long as you fight the wrong enemy.
Published Sep 19, 2018
A House Divided Cannot Stand

This week we’re continuing our discussion on standing firm in Christ in the face of spiritual warfare.  We’ll learn that one of the most common schemes the enemy will use against us is to trick us into believing that the attacks aren’t coming from him but from those closest to us, from those we are called to love and serve, and from those who were never our real enemy in the first place. He doesn’t care if we fight, as long as we fight the wrong enemy. He wants us to stay isolated and closed off and especially away from church because he knows that what Matthew 16:18 is true:

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. – Matthew 16:18 ESV

Even the enemy knows a house divided cannot stand. It’s up to us to choose unity over fear and love over division.


READ: When people say Jesus’ power comes from Satan, how does He respond?

REFLECT: What does Jesus’ response teach us about the importance of unity in our homes, churches, and communities?

RESPOND: What steps can you take towards unity in some of your more challenging relationships?

REQUEST: Ask the Lord for power and discernment to fight the right enemy and to cultivate unity in the relationships He’s entrusted to you.

*Learn more about our 4 “R”s Bible Study Method here.

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Originally published September 24, 2018.