When You Say YES to God

Has God called you to say “yes” about something? If so, what is it? Are you ready? Willing? Eager? Or a little scared? When you and I say yes to God, it’s sometimes easy, but most times, not so much.
Let’s go a bit deeper. As you say yes to God, know that it’s totally natural to feel a little scared. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s overwhelming. However sometimes, it’s exhilarating! And that’s totally natural, too. But no matter how you feel about it, when you say yes to God, you are in His will.
With that being said, I want to speak for a moment about saying yes to God when it’s hard or scary and then I’ll talk a little bit about when saying yes is exhilarating. Because typically there are really three main extremes. So, for starters, there are many people in the Bible who said yes to God when it was hard or dreadful.
Think about it.
Esther said yes, even though it could’ve cost her very life (by going before the king to stop her people from being annihilated). Abraham said yes when he went to sacrifice his promised son. Joshua said yes when he was chosen for a major task to lead the children of Israel into the promised land. Mary said yes to supernaturally carry the Savior of the world. And ultimately, Jesus Christ said yes to die an excruciating death on a cross for you and me (and countless others).
If you noticed, it was hard and scary for all of them to say a wholehearted yes right up front. Yet, at the end of the day, they all led exemplary lives that eventually led to, “Not my will, Lord. But your will be done.” (Luke 22:42)
So, even though saying yes to God may be hard or apprehensive at times, I think knowing that all of these outcomes worked out for the good in the end, can help us go forth in whatever God is requiring of you and I.
And saying yes may cost you a lot, my sister. It may cost you time, sacrifice, perseverance, or whatever God decides for His will to be accomplished through you. But don’t be afraid. And don’t doubt His presence or the fact that He is with you to guide you along the way. Remember, He promises to never leave you, nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). So be strong and courageous! And hold onto the words found in 1 Corinthians 15:58, “…know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”
Now before I close this post, I want to share with you a few suggestive, yet practical tips after you’ve said yes to God…
- Try fasting (choose one: lunch time fast, 6am-6pm, 6am-6am, Daniel fast, etc.) – It’s all for the purpose of hearing God more clearly for direction and the task (even if you’ve started doing His will on a particular thing, you can always pause for a fast, if you feel the Lord leading you to do so)
- Pray and ask for wisdom on what to do specifically (God is very detailed oriented) and pray for strength and endurance
- Take time to wait for direction (don’t rush in…be still in His presence and wait for Him to reveal the next steps) - this works especially when you feel stuck. If you look back in biblical history, most of the time God’s will took time to unfold (remember the Ark, rebuilding the temple, getting to the promised land, etc.) So, trust in His perfect timing to complete whatever task or tasks He gives you
- Prepare yourself in every way: stay connected to the Vine (Jesus Christ), allow God to develop your character along the way, grow from your mistakes, keep a consistent prayer life, and study the Word of God to mature in your faith, strengthen you personally, help others, and to get to know the Lord better (this will also help big time when He speaks through His Spirit to you, because you’ve already been in His presence and in His Word)
- Write out what He reveals to you through the Bible, your prayer and devotional time, and through others (godly wisdom) and do what He shows you to do. ;-)
- Know that saying "yes" to God can be exhilarating, too! Before Jesus went to the cross, He trained the disciples, fellowshipped with people, healed the sick, comforted the brokenhearted, and set many captives free (ex. the adulterous woman) - saying yes to God can be very fulfilling
So, whether saying yes to God is becoming the best helpmate to your husband that you can be, training up your children in the ways of the Lord, serving in your local church or community, being a light on your job, accepting a hard truth or trial, or being more intentional about sharing the gospel with non-believers or encouraging the body of Christ, your yes matters.
When you say YES, again, you are doing His will, and not your own. You are doing what He has called you to do. You are making a difference in someone’s life. You are glorifying God. So, carry it out unto completion, my sister. He’s got you!
Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!
QUESTION: Have you said yes to God, sis? Or are you having a hard time saying yes to God right now? Need prayer? If so, feel free to email me directly for prayer @ insideoutwithcourtnaye@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you!
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Originally published October 11, 2018.