Pray the Lord's Prayer in this New Millennium
The Lord's Prayer remains just as powerful as ever. Here are some ways you can apply it to life in this new millennium:
- "Our Father,": The world surrounding you often moves at a frenetic pace, and bonds of family, friendship and community between people often aren't as deep as they were in previous eras. Still, you are God's child, and can enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. God loves you deeply and wants the best for you. He's always present with you and is willing to become involved in all aspects of your life. Others who share a bond with Him through the Holy Spirit are connected to you as part of God's universal family.
- "who art in heaven,": The Internet has expanded our notion of communication, enabling us to easily share messages with people all over the globe. Space exploration has given us glimpses into the universe's vast size. Whenever you pray, God hears you. He exists both with you on earth - wherever you are - and in that other dimension of our universe called heaven. When you're connected to God through His Son, Jesus Christ, you'll never experience technical difficulties trying to reach Him.
- "hallowed be thy name.": In a world that currently finds relativism more fashionable than universal truth, it's popular to refer to simply a "higher power" or "divine being." But an all-powerful, all-knowing God exists. He is unique, and infinitely worthy of your respect.
- "Thy kingdom come,": Technology is constantly advancing, enabling people to accomplish many important things. But it's only when people access God's power and guidance that those efforts can be ultimately successful. You can become a channel through which God's power can operate in the world every time you humble yourself and trust in Him rather than just your own efforts.
- "thy will be done,": We're faced with a vast array of options in every situation, and the prevalent relativistic attitudes suggest that any choice can work well. But God knows what's best, and if you seek His will, all things will work together for good to accomplish His purposes in your life.
- "on earth as it is in heaven.": Many scientists are concluding from recent discoveries that earth seems to have been designed for humans. Each element of our planet's design is precisely right to support our lives here. Evidence also shows that the entire universe has been calculated in just the right ways to sustain life. As in ages past, God is in control of all of His creation.
- "Give us this day our daily bread.": Today's world offers unprecedented opportunities for many people to enjoy a high standard of living. Take time to thank God for the many blessings He has made available to you.
- "And forgive us our trespasses,": Sin is a very unpopular concept in our postmodern world, but people continue to make wrong decisions and suffer the consequences. Having the courage to confess your sins will enable you to embrace God's forgiveness and grace so you can grow.
- "as we forgive those who trespass against us.": Just as we now know that the electrical charges of protons and electrons inside atoms counterbalance each other, our willingness to forgive others motivates God to forgive us. Since we are all God's children, connected to each other in His universal family, He wants His love to flow between us. There is a spiritual balance that is created when that occurs.
- "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.": No matter how high technology raises your standard of living, you will never be immune to trials on earth. Be aware of the evil side of the spiritual world, and pray for the Holy Spirit's mercy and help when you encounter trials.
- "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,": The universe still holds many mysteries we haven't yet uncovered through science, but when we experience God's work in our lives, His glory shines through clearly and radiantly.
- "forever and ever. Amen.": Many recent studies on the nature of time have indicated that eternity is a reality, not just a hope. Energy can't be destroyed, and neither can our salvation if we have a relationship with God through Jesus. So be it!
Adapted from The Lord's Prayer for a New Millennium, copyright 2001 by Isabel Anders. Published by Magnus Press, Carlsbad, Ca.,, 1-800-463-7818.
Isabel Anders is the author of two previous books. She has a Master's degree in Religious Studies from Mundelein College, Loyola University, Chicago, and lives with her family in Tennessee.
Originally published August 26, 2001.