Think About Heaven Now

Here are some ways you can think about heaven and let those truths shape your life right now:
- Separate myths from realities about heaven. Look to the Bible for accurate descriptions of heaven rather than pondering cultural ideas (such as heaven as a place in the clouds where people play harps forever). Know that God has given as much information as we need in the Scriptures, but that our earthly minds cannot fully understand all there is to know about heaven. Rather than making assumptions about heaven beyond what God has revealed, consider how the information God has given can change your life right now as you look forward to one day traveling there.
- Ask God to help you avoid becoming complacent with life on earth. Pray for God to stir a desire within you to keep growing until, one day, you go to your true home - heaven.
- Focus on heaven's ultimate attraction, which is seeing God and enjoying His presence. Remember that, if you have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, you'll be spending eternity with God. So get to know more about God's attributes by reading about Him in the Bible and build intimacy with God here on earth by spending time in prayer with Him every day.
- Let your thoughts of heaven motivate you toward greater purity in your life. Seek to please God, with whom you'll eventually live.
- Let your thoughts of heaven draw you into deeper worship. Praise God for who He is and thank Him for all He has done, is doing, and will do for you.
- Strive to share the gift of heaven with others through service and evangelism. Set your priorities according to an eternal perspective. Devote time and energy to helping other people discover God and encouraging them to begin relationships with Him that will make it possible for them to go to heaven, too.
Adapted from Heaven: Thinking Now About Forever, copyright 2002 by Larry Dixon. Published by Christian Publications, Inc., Camp Hill, Pa., 1-800-233-4443,
Larry Dixon received his B.A. from Northeastern Bible College, his M.Div. from Biblical Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. from Drew University. He currently serves as Professor of Theology and Church History at Columbia Biblical Seminary and School of Missions. Larry and his wife, Linda, have two grown children. This is his third book.
What do you think of when you think of heaven? What aspects of heaven are you most looking forward to, and why? If you have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, how does knowing that one day you'll reach heaven encourage you while you're still living here on earth? Visit Crosswalk's forums to discuss this topic by clicking on the link below.
Originally published August 13, 2002.