HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - March 6, 2007


The Invisible Bridge 
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1


In the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indy Jones takes a journey to find the Holy Grail – the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper.  Along his quest, he uses his father’s journal as a resource to guide and show him how to overcome the obstacles present in order to find his treasure.  The last test he comes up against is a test of faith.  He must step onto the “invisible bridge” in order to cross a cavern.  Everything he read in his father’s journal told him it would work, but it is hard to put your life on the line for something you cannot see.  It was not until he had put his full weight on the bridge and had taken a step that he discovered with certainty that the bridge was real.

Faith comes first in believing that God is who He says He is.  John 3:16 says that whoever believes that God gave His son as a sacrifice for our sins shall have eternal life.  The first step in being a Christian is to move forward in faith and believe.  The second step comes in believing God will do what He says He will.  It is about believing in God’s promises even when it doesn’t feel like they are promises.  It is trusting in Him, even when those around you think you are crazy. 

Hebrews’ chapter 11 is known as the Hall of Faith.  It documents amazing people of the Old Testament who lived out their faith.  It was by faith Noah built an ark; it was by faith Abraham left his home and his inheritance; it was by faith Sarah had a child in her old age; it was by faith Moses’ parents hid him from the Egyptians when he was born; and it was by faith the people of Israel walked through the Red Sea on dry land.  There are many stories of people relying on their faith in God, even when it didn’t make sense.

Sometimes, taking those steps of faith is difficult.  It is hard to step forward into the things unseen and to rest in faith.  The great news is that we have a letter from our Lord.  A letter that tells us that we are loved children of God.  A letter that confirms that our faith is based on truth, a letter that tells of the blessings the Lord has for us when we are willing to take a step of faith.  This letter is the Bible.  No matter what part of the journey you are on right now, God is with you and He is for you.  Take a step of faith in Him; put your full weight onto His promises.  He will not let you down.

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1. What does it mean when you hear someone say she had “faith like a child”?

2. What areas of your life do you need to hand over to God in full faith?


Matthew 6:25-34; Luke 7:36-50; Hebrews 11

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