The Wall, the Fall and the Call
Today’s Truth
“But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him and by His wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5
Friend to Friend
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Humpty Dumpty may be a fictional nursery rhyme character found in our memories and our old Mother Goose books, but I believe there is a great deal to be learned from this sad little cracked up egg. Please extend me some extra grace as I briefly walk into the pages of this make-believe story.
Let’s break it down…
The Wall
I’m cool with our buddy Humpty sitting on a wall. Sure, he may have thrown caution to the wind, but let’s face it; life is filled with risks and dangers. If we live in fear, it is impossible to experience the fullness of life that God has intended for us to experience. In John 10:10, Jesus said that He came that we might have “abundant life.” We are meant to really live…to take in the sights of life from a high wall that overlooks a beautiful kingdom…approach our days with vision and purpose…dream dreams, sing songs and continue to grow in the likeness of Christ until our last breath is breathed. He made this abundant life possible by bearing our sins in death and enduring the shame and suffering and that we rightly deserve. He was courageous and fearless.
Jesus swam upstream in a river that ran deep with currents of pompous, impersonal religion. He took on the causes of the poor, the sick, the lost and the broken. He lived a life of God-courage that was purposed in the Father’s glory. He sat on high walls.
The Fall
I can certainly relate to Humpty having a great fall. I feel his pain. I’ve had more than my share of cracks. In the past, overwhelming emotional injuries and sinful compromises have left me paralyzed with pain and scarred with unpleasant memories. I’ve needed rescued. I still need to be rescued daily. I can completely relate.
The Call
There was a valiant rescue attempt by all the King’s horses and all the King’s men…herein lies the hopelessness of Humpty’s predicament! He was never taken to the one with power…the king himself. They needed to call on the king! The king in this child’s story would surely have had access to the best medical treatments in the land! What does a knight know about shell repair? Humpty needed to be taken to the King. So do each one of us! Have you fallen? Are there breaks in your shell today? Stop looking for healing in others and look up to the God whose gaze never leaves your side. He is the One to call out to. He is the only salve that will heal our many cracks.
Perhaps you are on the other side of this crazy, nursery rhyme metaphor. Have you been one of “the king’s men” to someone lately? Have you swooped in to rescue a friend or loved one fueled by your own strength and understanding? How many times have we tried to talk a friend off the ledge, reason away the mystery of God’s movement or explain the unexplainable without asking God for help? Are you a fixer? We can all fall into the trap of being a “fixer”!
Today, whether you find yourself taking in sights from the wall, cracked by wounds in a fall or recognizing God’s call to bring burdens to Him, these things are certain: all power for living abundantly and repairing brokenness lies in the hands of the King of all Kings. Let’s be sure to take our days, dreams and despairs to HIS throne for complete hope and healing.
Let’s pray
Heavenly Father…Mighty King, I approach your throne today with both reverence and boldness. I worship at your feet because you are worthy of my adoration, honor and praise. Thank you for enduring the cross so that my wounds could be healed and my sins could be forgiven. When I fall, please remind me to embrace the restoration found in your heart. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
Now it’s your turn
Read Isaiah 53 – Then thank Jesus for His amazing love.
Are you sitting on the wall today, struggling from a fall or responding to rescue’s call?
Pray and ask God to increase your dream and vision for life.
Consider what cracks might be in your shell today and seek help and healing from the King.
Gwen Smith’s newest CD brings ancient hymns and modern worship songs together in harmony for a project of God-centered adoration. Check out “Through All Generations” now!
More from the Girls
Hey friend. True confessions…I have a tendency to be a fixer. I like pain to recede and healing to abound! The Bible makes it clear that we will all endure many hardships in our lives. Life is not always neat and happy. The silver lining is this: everything we experience can bring about glory to God if we yield to HIS heart. Hope you will yield all that you face today to the King of all Kings.