PowerPoint - Mar. 18, 2008

March 18, 2008

“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”
--Exodus 20:7

The third commandment instructs us not to take the name of the Lord in vain. But this verse is talking about more than not using God’s name profanely. It speaks of how we shouldn’t use it in any way that is irreverent or disrespectful either.

Think about it. You can break this law when you participate in hypocrisy… or when you worship or pray meaninglessly.

God’s name stands for His character, reputation, and authority, so His glory is at stake when we use His name. But He promises blessing after blessing when we use His name properly.

So how do you take the name of God seriously?

First, love the name of God. Use it carefully and tenderly as an act of worship. Mean it when you evoke His name.

Second, live the name of God. The Scripture says in 2 Timothy 2:19, "Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.” This verse literally means for people not to involve themselves in wickedness. If you bear the name of Jesus, don’t shame His name by your actions and words.

Finally, lean on the name of God. Treat His name with the utmost love and respect. Jesus said in John 14:14, “If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”

If you find yourself taking the name of the Lord meaninglessly, begin to praise Him. Because you can’t praise God and curse Him at the same time!

And remember, if you show respect for the name of God around others, people will show more respect for you.