The Crosswalk Devotional

Crosswalk the Devotional - Apr. 14, 2008


April 14, 2008

Are You Qualified?
by Sarah Jennings, Family Editor

Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4: 12

I had the privilege of attending an oratory contest this weekend sponsored by the Virginia Society for Human Life. The competition is designed for high school juniors and seniors, and the round I attended this Saturday was for the state title. Seven high school students delivered speeches on modern ethical concerns like abortion, infanticide, stem cell research, and euthanasia to compete for a small scholarship and a spot in the national competition.

As I watched each contestant nervously take the stage with prepared speeches in hand, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of wonder at their bravery. I could never have done something like this at 17. Not only did they fight back the nerves to perform in front of three judges and a small crowd, but the speeches they gave were intelligent, compelling, and informed. These students seemed to turn every teenage stereotype on its head as they demonstrated a mature approach to complex issues our society currently faces. 

One young woman gave a beautiful speech highlighting the value of the life of a disabled friend who had since passed. Another gave a compelling reflection on the media’s influence on American citizens’ choices. The winner gave a fantastic explanation of recent scientific developments in stem cell research.

I found myself thinking, How often do we underestimate the young and their abilities to do the work of Christ? As a woman who could still be classified as a “young adult,” I know how frustrating it feels when a person doesn’t take me seriously. Yet watching these young people, I felt convicted that my youth should not be an excuse to remain timid in living a life for Christ. 

Of course, it’s not just youthfulness that can disqualify a person in the minds of themselves or others – it seems we are always just a little too young, a little too old, a little too inexperienced, a little undereducated, or a little too sinful to face challenges set before us. It’s easy to embrace the world’s standards for success, thinking we need to be Oprah to make a real impact on the world. How could God possibly use someone like me? we wonder.

But, Paul gave Timothy five ways he could be a witness for Christ regardless of age or circumstances. I believe these high schoolers gave excellent examples of all five: 

Speech: There are studies floating around that say a large percentage of people fear public speaking more than death. So, it was a pleasure to watch these young people take the podium to speak truth. I may have 10 years on them, but they are ahead of me in this skill. While some of us need to face our fears of speaking out, most of us don’t need to master formal speech-giving to be an effective witness. Do you share the Gospel with others when the opportunity arises? Do you build people up with your words? Do you use clean language? Do you gossip?

Conduct: Actions that don’t match up with words = hypocrisy. And hypocrisy is one of the quickest ways to repel others. In my brief observations, these students demonstrated positive conduct -- further strengthening their public messages. Can others tell I’ve given my life to Christ based on my behavior? Do I treat others with respect, dress in a way that communicates my personal dignity, work to eradicate sinful behaviors, and give of my time to help others in need? 

Love:By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13: 35) ‘Nuff said. Well, wait, one more thing – the oft-quoted 1 Corinthians 13 is a good place to start assessing what it means to be a loving person.

Faith: A key point many of the students made in their speeches is how a lack of genuine faith in God leads to many atrocities and tragedies because individuals make poor decisions when overcome with fear or selfishness. And yet there are few things more powerful than observing a person demonstrate faith in the midst of hardship. Do I get up every day with complete trust and faith in our sovereign God? This is a tough one for me. 

Purity: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God (Matthew 5: 8). Hearing these young speech finalists expound on personal dignity and purity renewed my hope that we can all choose purity of mind, heart, body, and intentions. A pure heart is also a powerful witness to those who have been hurt in the past by corrupt individuals.

Intersecting Faith & Life: Is there something you’ve put off doing because you feel intimidated or unqualified? Give it a shot, trusting that God can make up for any areas you lack.

Further Reading:

Despise Not the Little Things

God Glorified in the Nobodies