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Top 10 Articles of February 2011

Ah, February. A month featuring both Cupid and the Super Bowl. Our most popular articles last month were equally varied. Read them all to find out...
Updated Mar 03, 2011
Top 10 Articles of February 2011

Ah, February. A month featuring both Cupid and the Super Bowl. Our most popular articles last month were equally varied. Read them all to find out why Facebook might be making you sad, how to stop hiding behind your spiritual gifts, and how one town resolved the Sunday sports dilemma.

Why Facebook (and Your Church) Might Be Making You Sad 
by Russell Moore
Nobody is as happy as he seems on Facebook. Let’s train ourselves not for spin control, but for prayer, for repentance, for joy. Nobody is as happy as he seems on Facebook. Let’s train ourselves not for spin control, but for prayer, for repentance, for joy.

What Happened to Judas? 
by Ray Pritchard
Judas does us a favor if his story causes us to rethink our basic commitment to Christ by asking, "Lord, is it I?"

How to Work Successfully with Anyone 
by Whitney Hopler
If you recognize that each different personality is actually a God-given gift, you can learn to work successfully with anyone, achieving great workplace goals together.

Angry at God 
by Dr. James Emery White
A new set of studies in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology find that those who are atheists and agnostics are also those who are most angry at God. A new set of studies in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology find that those who are atheists and agnostics are also those who are most angry at God.

'Just Do It': How to Stop Hiding Behind Your Spiritual Gifts 
by Joy Allmond
Spiritual gifts are very important and quite crucial to how we serve. But if we aren't careful, we can make excuses to be idle if the task doesn't exactly fit what we believe to be our spiritual gifts.

Rise Up and Move: Are You Ready?
by Kris Swiatocho

So many times God has made huge changes in our lives, but we focus on the things that haven't changed or the things we are still struggling with. Through R.IS.E. you can measure and allow the Lord to reward you for the steps you have made.

Valentine's Day: Let Christ's Love Fuel Your Marriage 
by April Motl 
A relationship centered in God’s love acknowledges that the Lord, not your spouse, is your personal source of satisfaction… 

Recovering From the Breakup, Makeup, Shakeup 
by Dr. David Hawkins 
Watching my clothes tumbling around in the dryer after a good washing reminded me of a discussion I recently had with a couple attempting to reconcile after yet another separation. 

Sunday, Sports, and the Super Bowl: A Christian's Dilemma 
by Robert Wayne
Millions of fans will watch the Super Bowl this Sunday. Thousands of kids will lace up their shoes for a day of competitve sport. Something else happens on Sunday, too. What's it called again? Oh yes, church.

Husbands, Love Your Wives More Than Seminary
by Anonymous
God has not commanded husbands to love seminary. He has commanded that we love our wives and strive to protect our marriages, even from something as noble as our ministry call.

Originally published March 03, 2011.