Bible Pathway

Bible Pathway - Aug. 18, 2011


Read Jeremiah 15


Although Jeremiah suffers much, he stays bold before others because he is submissive to God (Jer. 15:10-21; 16:1-4,19-21; 17:11-18; 18:18-23). He tells Judah that punishment is inevitable (15:1-9; 16:5-13; 17:1-4).

The only pleasant experience in the prophet's life was fellowship with God. It was as if he said: "In the midst of my sufferings and sorrows, I came upon the promises to all who would keep the Word of God. I accepted them; and indeed my soul was comforted. They led me to enjoy fellowship with my Lord, and to recognize that even my sufferings were for His Name's sake. What a high honor!"

Isn't it strange that though God Himself is the Author of the world's best-selling Book, only a few people read all of it? Jeremiah could say: For Thy sake I have suffered rebuke. Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy Name, O Lord God of hosts (Jer. 15:15-16). How many prefer to read the writings of men more than the writings of God, or watch more television, or spend more time with the newspaper than they do with the Bible?

Have you found His Word to be the joy and rejoicing of your heart? Peter was led by the Holy Spirit to write: Laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes, desire the sincere (pure) milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby (I Pet. 2:1-2).

Jeremiah said: I did eat them (Jer. 15:16). Reading the Word of God is our necessary food (Job 23:12). It's an invitation to Christ to speak to you.

It is so easy to confuse familiarity with knowledge or theory with experience. Many are familiar with certain truths and doctrines, but they have not experienced the transforming power of His Word.

The Bible is not only something to be known but something to be experienced. Jesus also said: Except ye eat the flesh (allow it to become your way of life) . . . ye have no life in you (John 6:53). A sign of spiritual death is manifested when the people of God can spend days and weeks without reading the Bible (Matt. 4:4). How worthless to have a Bible but never read it. Christ died on the cross to save our souls from eternal hell. What a disgrace for any Christian not to be concerned enough or grateful enough to read how He expects us to live to please Him.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled (satisfied) (Matt. 5:6).

Thought for Today:

Give ear, O My people, to My Law: incline your ears to the words of My mouth (Ps. 78:1).

Christ Revealed:

By Jeremiah's words to God: Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart (Jer. 15:16). Jesus said: The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life (John 6:63).

Word Studies:

15:1 toward favorable to; 15:6 repenting grieving over and giving you another chance; 17:10 try the reins test the heart; 18:11 frame prepare; 18:15 in a way not cast up on paths of sin, not ways of righteousness and honor.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for International Broadcasts sponsored by Rev. Gladys V. Davis • Government Official: Sec. Timothy Geithner (Dept. of the Treasury) and Rep. Louis Gohmert (TX) • Country: Suriname (431,000) on the northeastern coast of South America • Major languages: Dutch and English • Very limited religious freedom • 27% Hindu; 22% Roman Catholic; 20% Protestant; 20% Muslim; 6% witchcraft and spirit worship • Prayer Suggestion: Pray that God will keep you from speaking evil (Ps. 34:13).

Optional Reading:

2 Peter 3

Memory Verse for the Week:

2 Timothy 3:2