Continuing to Build Coalitions for the Kingdom

John Stonestreet

It had been a couple of months since Chuck Colson had been able to travel. He was ailing and needed rest. But short of the doctors telling him to stay put, nothing was going stop him from attending our Breaking the Spiral of Silence conference near the Colson Center headquarters in Northern Virginia.

Chuck wanted to be there to present the William Wilberforce Award to Joni Eareckson Tada for her work among the disabled and her defense of the sanctity of human life.

And, just as important to him, just before what would be his last conference, he wanted to speak to 50 or so pastors, leaders of national organizations, and individuals concerned about the influence of the gospel in society. Chuck had gathered us all to challenge us to work together, that we were better together than apart, and that the gravity of our cultural situation demanded it.

As you’ve been hearing this week on BreakPoint, the sheer scope of Chuck Colson’s work is staggering. In fact, this weekend’s “BreakPoint this Week” broadcast will be a tribute to Chuck. You can hear from Joni Ereackson Tada, Gabe Lyons, Robert George, T.M. Moore, Jim Liske, and others about the impact Chuck had on the culture and on them personally.

You don’t want to miss this special acknowledgement of Chuck’s life from those who knew him best and worked with him most closely. Come to for a list of stations or to listen to this special program online.

Near the end of his life, Chuck felt clearly that he needed to utilize his unique ability to bring Christian leaders and organizations together, and to inspire them to work together for the Kingdom instead of apart.

And as I sat on the stage at the Breaking the Spiral of Silence conference the morning after Chuck was taken to the hospital, I marveled. More than 20 different speakers representing 15 or so organizations had come at Chuck’s request. And, by the way, tomorrow — Saturday April 28 — more than 350 churches and 700 house parties will watch together a DVD of that conference as a way to mobilize Christians to action around the causes that Chuck felt so passionately about — defending human life, marriage, and religious liberty.  Come learn more at

Building coalitions to advance the kingdom — that’s a big part of the legacy and the work we’ll carry on at BreakPoint and the Colson Center. How fitting for Chuck to end his ministry of proclamation by convening a conference featuring so many diverse Christian voices.

I’ve been asked so many times, “Who fills Chuck’s shoes?” The answer, of course, is no one. Not Eric Metaxas. Not I. No one.

Not only because no one can, but because Chuck wouldn’t have even wanted us to try. Rather than fill his shoes, Chuck wanted us to stand on his shoulders, just as he was standing on the shoulders of so many others — like Francis Schaeffer, Abraham Kuyper, William Wilberforce, John Calvin, Augustine, and all the giants of the Church.

Instead of saying "Try to be me," Chuck would be saying “Come join me.” And as Professor Robert George told me during the “BreakPoint this Week” interview, which airs this weekend, we know what to do. Chuck pointed us in the right direction in his words and in his actions.

Chuck was fond of quoting Abraham Kuyper who said there’s not a single square inch in all of creation where Jesus Christ, who was Lord of all, does not put his foot and say “Mine!”

And so we, everywhere we go, put our feet and say that belongs to Him.

So we know what to do; let’s get on with it.

Publication date: April 27, 2012