Future of Egypt May Be at Stake

Open Doors USA

The following article was written by Michael (not his real name). He is a Christian leader in Egypt, which is ranked No. 25 on the Open Doors 2013 World Watch List of the worst persecutors in the world.

On June 30, many Egyptians are being urged to go into the streets all over the country in response to a recent call for rebellion against President Mohammed Morsi, his administration and the ruling party to which he belongs – the Muslim Brotherhood.

This opposition movement formed of men and women, boys and girls, Muslims and Christians from different social, economic, professional and educational levels was established only several weeks ago, calling themselves the “Rebellion Movement.” The movement has only one simple goal: collect 15 million signed forms of Egyptians all over the country who announce their rebellion against Morsi and his regime and calling for early presidential elections.

It’s a nationwide call to withdraw confidence from Morsi and his appointed government, based on the fact that together with his Muslim Brotherhood party, they have done nothing in the last year, the first year of his presidency, except laying their hands on and forcing their dominion and controlling authority over every corner of the Egyptian state.

The translation of the text printed on the forms says the following: “I, an Egyptian and a citizen? of the Egyptian state, sign this form to withdraw confidence from President Mohammed Morsi and to announce my desire to reject his reign because: a) there is still no real security stability in the streets of Egypt, b) the poor are still neglected; we still beg for our food from other nations; c) my dignity and the dignity of my country is at stake; and d) the goals of the Egyptian revolution of January 25, 2011 to bring in dignity, justice and freedom have not yet been achieved.”

On May 1, representatives of the “Rebellion Movement” took the forms and posted them in major squares and main streets; giving them out and collecting them after having them signed by passers-by who support the call for early presidential elections.

On May 29, the movement administration proudly announced that 7 million signatures had already been collected. With less one more month still to go, the leaders are optimistic that the 15 million signatures goal can be reached.

One June 30, the first anniversary of Morsi’s presidency of Egypt, trucks will load the signed forms and transport them from the “Rebellion Movement” head office and deliver them to the Supreme Constitutional Court, as a sign of a nationwide rebellion against Morsi and his regime. The trucks are expected to be followed by massive numbers of protestors coming from all over the country, showing the rise of national rejection and rebellion against Muslim Brotherhood dominion over Egypt, a country that has previously been known for its moderate political and religious views.

The Christians of Egypt view this nationwide move with prayers and anticipation. Many questions remain in our minds with no answers, leaving us with very vague shadows of what could happen, and how things might develop as a result of the growing interest in the “Rebellion” movement. Some of these questions are:

  1. Is it really the will of God and His timing for Morsi and his administration to give up their authority in Egypt? Was God’s Divine purpose of allowing him to reach power and rule the country together with his Muslim Brotherhood party fulfilled?
  2. What will happen if the Muslim Brotherhood decides to send their supporters to the streets to fight against members of the “Rebellion” movement? Could bloody confrontations erupt because of that? Are there going to be late-night attacks against the movement offices and/or leaders and members? Will deliberate fires be set in the movement offices?
  3. If the goal of collecting 15 million signatures is reached, what could happen when multitudes of Egyptians go into the streets to proclaim their rejection to Morsi’s presidency on June 30? Could this day be a start of street fights or, in the worst scenario, even a start of a civil war?
  4. Should we expect a dark era of violence and loss of many lives on June 30 and beyond?

The questions are so heavy to think about, and they do bring anxiety and a lot of concern to my heart. As well as other Christians in my country, I’m worried for my country, Egypt, and crying out to the Lord:

Lord, save Egypt! Let Thy will be done.

Whatever happens over the coming month and beyond, our heart desire is to see Egyptians coming back to You and that all of them may come to know Jesus, the Savior.

You promised us in Isaiah 19 that You will make yourself known to the Egyptians and in “that day” they will acknowledge the Lord. Has this day come, oh Lord?

Please pray for us and with us through these next very critical days.

c. 2013 Open Doors USA. Used with permission.

Publication date: June 6, 2013