Egyptian Christians Allege Torture Under Morsi Regime

Religion Today

Roughly a year after revelations the Muslim Brotherhood had tortured Christian demonstrators at a Cairo mosque, more Egyptians are coming forward, detailing abuse they endured during Mohammed Morsi's presidency, CBN News reports. The torture allegations come as no surprise to Egyptians demonstrators brutally beaten by pro-Morsi Islamists. Egypt's El Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of victims of violence recorded 359 torture cases during President Mohammed Morsi's one year in office, compared to 357 during the last 10 years of Hosni Mubarak's rule. However, arresting and prosecuting the abusers may not be a top priority of Egypt's interim government at this time. Pro-Morsi supporters and other Islamists still blame Christians for the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood leader from the Egyptian presidency, and attacks against Christians, especially in upper Egypt, continue unabated. In the latest wave of attacks on August 3, militant Muslims attacked homes and businesses in three Christian villages near al Minya, where rioting Islamists planted a black al Qaeda flag at a Coptic Orthodox church in Sohag.